Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Moving from Odede to Hono was difficult as we had all made beautiful friends there. It really felt like home. We then mobed to Hono not far from Mutumbu where we lived in a boarding school dorm (a completely different experience). AT first it was school holidays so we had the dorm to ourselves (with the exception of the bats that fly around inside all night)but then school went back so the girls moved in(another completely different experience). It was nice to spend time with just our group for the first week in Hono.

So we have finished all our projects now which I just can't believe. We have built 13 houses, a rainwater tank, held 4 mobile health care clinics and towards the end of our program we still had left over fund raised money so we painted a medical clinic (a new ward that couldn't be used until it was painted) we also paid for electricity to be put in the building and set up a feeding program.

Just when we thought that we knew exactly how to build a house it changed...again... in Hono houses are built by tying pieces of cumba (like large grass/reeds) together and then tying the wood to the basic structure. It was a lot quicker building houses this way and was a nice change from hammering. I

Fred organised for two girls Elizabeth and Sarah to look after us... cook us lunch and wash our clothes. I got along really well with them and was really sad to say goodbye. Although, I am planning on visiting them soon. Elizabeth is at university studying pharmacy (she was on holidays) and Sarah is hoping to go to polytechnic school to learn how to be a tailor although her clothes are already amazing. She is going to make me a few things :) I spent alot of my free time with the girls helping them make hot chips on the corner of the road. It was heaps of fun helping out as the whole community would walk past and I got to meet a lot of people. Plus i got to eat hot chips (really a win-win).

Well I am now on holidays for two weeks. We have completion this afternoon (hopefully it involves a pool) and then we are off to Nairobi tomorrow morning for two nights. Where we will say goodbye to Deanna, Jo and Sarah (something I am not looking forward to). Then katy and I are going to Zanzibar for 9 days WOOT! I am really excited! It will be a long bus ride but well worth it.

Well that's all for now.


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