Friday, September 25, 2009

Mutumbu OSP

The OAP program has finsihed. We successfully completed 12 houses in three villages, installled a rain water tank for an ECD in Odede, fixed a kitchen for the same ECD, painted a maternity ward and held four mobile healthcare clincs in which we saw over 700 patients. With the rest of our fundrasied money we were able to install electricity to the completed maternity ward, assist a feeding program for 8 families who will be effected by the drought, set up a feeding program at the ECD in Odede, buy 5 beehives for a womens group in which the income will support orphans in the area and assist one of the mama's we built a house. It was a busy 10 weeks! Most of the girls have gone home now so I am setting up my new project and adjusting to life in 'the white house'.

I have three for projetcs however, becuse I am left with only 10 weeks I wont be able to complete all of them. For the past two weeks I have been visiting schools, community groups, womens groups and an ECD. I have decided to focus my attention on the ECD with one of the other volunteers here, Craig. The ECD opened in January of this year and already has over 80 students. It is run by a family. They have one small room which is the only classroom where 31 of the students attened. The remaining students sit on the ground outside under a tree. The school has very little. They have desks for the classroom and a black board for both classes. The childreb each have one writting book and share pencils. They don't have uniforms yet but they should have them by the end of next month. Most of the children don't have shoes which means that many of them have Jigas (small parasites in their feet). Craig and I are hoping to provide these children with some basics. Writting books, pencils, charts, story books, chalk, balls, a sign and desks if time and funds are available.

My other projecr is working with a young mums womens group. These are young girls mostly under the age of 18 with children. I will assist Dr Martin (who set the group up) in trying to empower these women through education and if I can provide them with a sewing machine so that they have their own means of income.

Well that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Great to read about adventures in Mutumbu. That is my neighborhood, but I have been away for some time. I really enjoyed reading your activities while you were there.
